Common name:Woolly Blue Curls
Botanical name:Trichostema lanatum
The Woolly Blue Curls is an evergreen shrub that reaches 3'-5' high. It has an open branching habit and has long stalks of brilliant purple woolly flowers in the spring and summer. This shrub is native to California, is drought tolerant, and attracts hummingbirds. -Cornflower Farms
Common name:Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.
Botanical name:Fremontodendron 'California Glory'
'California Glory' is an open and spreading evergreen shrub 10'-20' in height with many yellow flowers blooming in spring. It needs good drainage and little summer water. It is a native plant to California as the name suggests and it is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms
Common name:Yankee Point California Lilac
Botanical name:Ceanothus griseus hor. 'Yankee Point'
Yankee Point is a fast growing shrub that stays near 3' in height with a spread of 6'. It has large, bright green leaves and light blue flowers. It is great for banks and mass plantings. It does well on the coast and in hot inland areas. It attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and beneficial insects. -Cornflower Farms
Common name:Black or Honey Sage
Botanical name:Salvia mellifera
This woody shrub has fragrant, dark green leaves with blue, white, or lilac flowers that bloom in the spring and summer.
Common name:Laurel Sumac
Botanical name:Malosma laurina
This evergreen shrub has dark green foliage that is red when it is young. This is a good plant for dry slopes.
Common name:Lemon Scented Gum
Botanical name:Eucalyptus citriodora
This tall, narrow, open tree has a trunk that is smooth, white and "muscular," producing light green leaves with a heavy lemon scent when crushed. It quickly reaches a height of 60' or more. Below a temperature of 25 degrees F, the tree will be damaged by frost. Eucalyptus varieties are highly combustible -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Red Ironbark, Pink Ironbark
Botanical name:Eucalyptus sideroxylon
This evergreen tree may reach a height of 60'-75'. It has slender, lance-shaped leaves found on somewhat pendulous branches. The bark is a deep red-brown color. In the winter, the leaves turn a reddish-pink color. Flowers are red to pink. This tree needs full sun.
Designer: Bob Perry and Assoc.
Photographer: GardenSoft
Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.
Mulching and adding compost to soil can minimize evaporation and help soil absorb and store water.
Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.