

Gallery: Parking Strips

General Three 4
Italian Cypress
Rosea Iceplant
Shiny Xylosma
Purple Iceplant
Adam's Needle
Italian Cypress

Common name:Italian Cypress
Botanical name:Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta'

Italian Cypress is often associated with Italian and Spanish architecture, providing columns in the landscape. They often reach 60' tall. 'Stricta' is compact, columnar and produces long, straight branches with deep green foliage.


Common name:Oleander
Botanical name:Nerium oleander

Oleander is an evergreen shrub with moderate to fast growth. Leaves are narrow, 4"-12" long, dark green, leathery, and glossy. It is attractive in all seasons. Flowers are in clusters on branch ends and blooms from late spring through fall.

Rosea Iceplant

Common name:Rosea Iceplant
Botanical name:Drosanthemum floribundum

This dependable groundcover is well-suited to growing under trees and in other partially shaded areas. Rosea Iceplant will stay under 1' tall and spread to about 3'. Pink-purple blooms will cover this plant from spring to summer.

Shiny Xylosma

Common name:Shiny Xylosma
Botanical name:Xylosma congestum

This medium sized, mounding evergreen shrub with lustrous yellow green foliage produces new growth that is tinted rosy red. It has a growth habit that is loose, graceful and spreading.

Purple Iceplant

Common name:Purple Iceplant
Botanical name:Drosanthemum hispidum

Purple Iceplant gets larger than some other varieties, to 2' tall. However, it is not a good erosion control plant because it is not a good root downer. Flowers are dark purple and striking.

Adam's Needle

Common name:Adam's Needle
Botanical name:Yucca filamentosa

WIth stemless leaves that grow 2.5" long and 1.5" wide, the Yucca filamentosa produces tall, white flower spikes during the summer months.

Designer: Unknown

General Three 4
Image: 31 of 32

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.