
Plants by Common Name

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Eucalyptus torquata

Coral Gum

Quercus suber

Cork Oak

Centaurea cyanus

Cornflower, Bachelor's Button

Cosmos bipinnatus


Agave parryi v. couesii

Couesii Century Plant

Pinus coulteri Native Plant

Coulter Pine, Bigcone Pine

Malus 'Gorgeous'

Crabapple Gorgeous

Lagerstroemia indica

Crape Myrtle

Lagerstroemia indica (Varieties)

Crape Myrtle, Assorted Varieties

Berberis repens Native Plant

Creeping Barberry or Mahonia

Salvia mellifera 'Terra Seca' Native Plant

Creeping Black Sage

Ficus pumila

Creeping Fig

Coprosma X  kirkii

Creeping Mirror Plant

Festuca rubra

Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras

Muehlenbeckia axillaris

Creeping Wire Vine

Celosia argentea cristata

Crested Celosia, Chinese Woolflower

Cistus ladanifer

Crimson-Spot Rockrose

Codiaeum variegatum


Euphorbia milii

Crown Of Thorns

Alstroemaria psittacina

Crowned Peruvian Lily

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