
Plants by Common Name

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Coreopsis maritima Native Plant

Sea Dahlia

Limonium perezii

Sea Lavender, Statice

Iris Bearded 'Sea of Joy'

Sea of Joy Bearded Iris

Armeria maritima Native Plant

Sea Pink, Common Thrift

Phoenix reclinata

Senegal Date Palm

Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Sentinel' Native Plant

Sentinel Manzanita

Anemone 'September Charm'

September Charm Japanese Anemone

Fraxinus uhdei

Shamel or Evergreen Ash

Chrysanthemum maximum

Shasta Daisy

Xylosma congestum

Shiny Xylosma

Acacia stenophylla

Shoestring Acacia, Dalby Myall

Aloe saponaria

Shrimp Pink Aloe

Justicia brandegeana

Shrimp Plant

Rosa Shrub varieties

Shrub Rose

Ulmus pumila

Siberian Elm

Erysimum hieracilfolium

Siberian Wallflower

Bouteloua curtipendula Native Plant

Sideoats Grama

Albizia julibrissin

Silk Tree, Mimosa Tree

Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfeder'

Silver Arrow Miscanthus

Lessingia flilaginifolia 'Silver Carpet' Native Plant

Silver Carpet L., Calif. Aster

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