Helpful Plant Lists
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Fact Sheets
Sustainable Landscaping Fundamentals
Sustainable Landscape Renovation
Dealing With Drought
Using Water Wisely
Managing Your Soil
Compost for Healthy Soil and Plants
The Magic of Mulch
The Right Plant Right Place
Pest Management
Permeable Surfaces
Solving Runoff Problems
Sustainable Fertilization
Watering Guide
Attracts Hummingbirds
All That Jazz Bearded Iris
Amethyst Mist Coral Bells
Apple Blossom Penstemon
Apricot Mallow
Aromas Sage
Autumn or Texas Sage
Baja Fairy Duster
Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris
Beverly Sills Bearded Iris
Black or Honey Sage
Blatant Bearded Iris
Blue Bush Sage
Blue Elf Aloe
Blue Eyed Grass
Blue Spike Sage
Blue Staccato Bearded Iris
Breakers Bearded Iris
Burnished Bronze Coral Bells
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
California Lilac
California Sycamore
Carmel Creeper
Cathedral Windows Coral Bells
Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce
Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells
Chuparosa, Calif. Beloperone
Cleveland Blue Sage
Climbing Penstemon
Cockspur Coral Tree, Ceibo
Collingwood Ingram Rosemary
Common Foxglove
Common Sunflower
Concha California Lilac
Coral Beauty Bearded Iris
Coral Bells, Spangles
Coral Fountain, Firecracker Plant
Creeping Black Sage
Dara's Choice Creeping Sage
Desert Willow, Desert Catalpa
Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris
Fairy Duster, False Mesquite
Fan Aloe
Firebird Border Penstemon
Flowering Maple
French Lavender, Toothed Lavender
Fuchsia Hybrids
Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry
Garden Penstemon 'Cherry glo'
Garnet Penstemon
Golden Currant
Grevillea Ivanhoe
Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender
Heather Blush Bearded Iris
Hedge Lavender, Lavandin
Hidcote English Lavender
Hummingbird Sage, Pitcher Sage
Huntington Carpet Rosemary
Imperial Bronze Bearded Iris
Island Alum Root
Island Bush Snapdragon
Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia
Joyce Coulter California Lilac
Judith Hybrid Daylily
Kangaroo Paw 'Yellow'
Kangaroo Paws, Green
Kangaroo Paws, Red
Kangeroo Paws Big Red
Ken Taylor Flannel Bush, Fremontia
Licorice Mint
Light Beam Bearded Iris
Lion's Tail
Lucifer Crocosmia
Magenta-Eyed Geranium
Margarita Bop Foothill Penstemon
Monterey Bay Blue Hibiscus
Mountain Violet Bearded Iris
Munstead Dwarf Lavender
Opal Alum Root Hybrid
Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris
Persian Carpet Coral Bells
Pink Abelia
Pink Trumpet Vine
Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage
Premier Bearded Iris
Provence Blue Lavandin
Pumpkin Monkey Flower
Purple and White Pacific Coast Iris
Purple or Gray Sage
Ray Hartman California Lilac
Red Cross Kangaroo Paws
Red Flowering Currant
Red Hot Poker
Red Mexican Lobelia
Red Monkey Flower
Red Rose Penstemon
Red Star Autumn Sage
Royal Beard Tongue
Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells
Scarlet Bugler
Scarlet Monkey Flower
Sea of Joy Bearded Iris
Shrimp Pink Aloe
Sonoma Sage, Creeping Sage
South Western Coral Bells
Southern Pink Flowering Currant
Spanish Lavender
Sticky Monkey Flower
Strawberry Madrone
Streamside Monkey Flower
Sun Singer Bearded Iris
Sweet Musette Bearded Iris
Tequila Sunrise Sage
Torch Glow Bush Bougainvillea
Torch Lily Improved
Torch Plant
Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl
Tree Lupine
Trumpet Creeper
Weeping Bottlebrush
Wendy Alum Root
Westringia Wynyabbie Gem
White Flowered Currant
White Sage, Sacred White Sage
Winnifred Gilman Dark Blue Sage
Woolly Blue Curls
Yankee Point California Lilac
Yellow Bird Of Paradise
Zebra Iris, Orris Perfume Iris