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Sustainable Landscaping Fundamentals
Sustainable Landscape Renovation
Dealing With Drought
Using Water Wisely
Managing Your Soil
Compost for Healthy Soil and Plants
The Magic of Mulch
The Right Plant Right Place
Pest Management
Permeable Surfaces
Solving Runoff Problems
Sustainable Fertilization
Watering Guide
California Native Plants
Anacapa Island Pink Morning Glory
Apache Plume
Apricot Mallow
Arizona Flattop Buckwheat
Aromas Sage
Arroyo Lupine
Baby Blue Eyes
Baja Fairy Duster
Baja Trunk Dudleya
Banana or Blue Yucca, Datil
Beach Strawberry, Sand Strawberry
Black or Honey Sage
Blue Beach Aster, Seaside Daisy
Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Blue Bush Sage
Blue Elderberry
Blue Eyed Grass
Blue Hesper Palm, Mexican Blue Fan
Blue Palo Verde
Blue Rye
Blue Thimble Flower, Globe Gilia
Brittlebush, Desert Encelia
Bush Anemone
Bush Poppy
California Bay, Oregon Myrtle
California Black Oak
California Black Walnut
California Buckeye
California Buckwheat
California Coffeeberry
California Fan Palm
California Fescue
California Field Sedge
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
California Gray Rush
California Lilac
California Poppy, Golden Poppy
California Sagebrush
California Sycamore
California Wild Grape
Canyon Gray Sagebrush
Canyon Prince Wild Rye
Carmel Creeper
Carmel Sur Manzanita
Catalina Cherry
Cedros Island Verbena cv.
Centennial Coyote Brush
Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce
Checkerbloom, Prairie Mallow
Chuparosa, Calif. Beloperone
Cleveland Blue Sage
Climbing Penstemon
Coast Live Oak
Coast Silktassel
Coast Sunflower, Coast Encelia
Commom Yarrow
Concha California Lilac
Conejo or Saffron Buckwheat
Coulter Pine, Bigcone Pine
Creeping Barberry or Mahonia
Creeping Black Sage
Curl-Leaf Mountain Mahogany
Cushion Coyote Brush/Bush
Dara's Choice Creeping Sage
Deer Grass
Desert Century Plant
Desert Marigold
Desert Willow, Desert Catalpa
Douglas Fir
Douglas Iris
Dwarf Coyote Brush or Chaparral Bro
Dwarf Coyote Bush
El Dorado Gold Fremontia
European Grey Sedge
Evergreen Currant, Catalina Perfume
Fairy Duster, False Mesquite
Five-Spot Nemophila
Flannel Bush
Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.
Foothill Penstemon
Foothill, Gray or Digger Pine
Foothills & Little Leaf Palo Verde
Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry
Giant Chain Fern
Giant Wild Rye
Golden Abundance Mahonia
Golden Currant
Hollyleaf or Islay Cherry
Horsetail Reed
Howard McMinn Manzanita
Hummingbird Sage, Pitcher Sage
Incense Cedar
Iris 'Canyon Snow'
Island Alum Root
Island Bush Poppy
Island Bush Snapdragon
Island Ironwood, Catalina Ironwood
Island Oak, California Island Oak
John Dourley Manzanita
Jojoba, Goatnut
Joyce Coulter California Lilac
Julia Phelps California Lilac
Ken Taylor Flannel Bush, Fremontia
Laurel Sumac
Lavender Blue Iris
Lemonade Berry
Lippia, Creeping Lippia
Louis Edmunds Manzanita
Malva Rose, Island Tree Mallow
Manzanita Emerald Carpet
Manzanita, Dr. Hurd
Margarita Bop Foothill Penstemon
Matilija Poppy
Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn
Monterey Carpet Manzanita
Monterey Pine
Mountain Mahogany, Hardtack
Opal Alum Root Hybrid
Oregon Grape
Our Lord's Candle
Pacific Coast Irises
Pacific Madrone
Pacific Mist Manzanita
Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Pine Hill Flannel Bush
Point Reyes Bearberry
Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage
Port Orford Cedar, Lawson Cedar
Pumpkin Monkey Flower
Purisima Island Tree Mallow
Purple Needle Grass
Purple or Gray Sage
Quartz Creek Rush
Radiant Manzanita
Ray Hartman California Lilac
Red Buckwheat
Red Flowering Currant
Red Monkey Flower
Roger's Red Wild Grape
Royal Beard Tongue
Salal, Lemon Leaves
Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells
Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat
Scarlet Bugler
Scarlet Monkey Flower
Sea Dahlia
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Sentinel Manzanita
Sideoats Grama
Silver Carpet L., Calif. Aster
Sonoma Sage, Creeping Sage
Southern Pink Flowering Currant
Spathe Leaved Sedum
Spice Bush
Spiny Rush
St. Catherine's Lace
Sticky Monkey Flower
Streamside Monkey Flower
Sugar Bush
Sulfur Flower
Sunset Manzanita
Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak
Torrey Pine
Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl
Tree Lupine
Valley Oak, White Oak, Roble
Verity White Monkey Flower
Wendy Alum Root
Western Redbud
Western Sword Fern, Alaska Fern
White Alder, Western Alder
White California Poppy
White Fir
White Flowered Currant
White Sage, Sacred White Sage
Wild Mock Orange
Winnifred Gilman Dark Blue Sage
Woods Rose
Woolly Blue Curls
Wright Buckwheat
Yankee Point California Lilac
Yellow Eyed Grass